Sunday, June 25, 2006


ball-point pen on toned paper with water-color.
photoshop finish.


Sunday, June 18, 2006


12in x 12in. mixed media.
4ft x 4ft. acrylic on wood.

Monday, June 12, 2006

heat vision 3X

too young?
open mouth for catching flies.
frowny faced superman.

opened mouth vs. frowny-face vs. boyish face?

Monday, June 05, 2006


continuing to explore the process: ballpoint pen on toned paper with photoshop white lines.
mixed-media finish.

**CLICK HERE for link to full size image**

Friday, June 02, 2006


step 1: ballpoint pen on toned paper drawing.
step 2: watercolor painting combined with drawing.
step 3: color tinted.
step 4: added highlights and some shadows.
part 5: texture changes made in photoshop.
part 6: added last punches of reflective color and treated myself to something delicious to eat/ drink.

The entire process requires 3-7 hours (not including time for the delicious something). This piece took over four hours. part 1 (the drawing) takes up about as much time as the remaining steps combined. That time estimate doesn't include the preliminary thumbnails and/ or doodles that usually precede the ball-point pen drawing.

I'm happy with the shirt wrinkles.
***CLICK HERE for link to full size image.***